JLPT N2 of Effection
【SSW, Foreigners living in Japan Must check!!】So-net internet line
In my opinion, abroad workers are match with So-net internet line.
【For abroad people】How apply for the Wi-Fi?
Japinoy.Inc is one of agent of Wi-Fi, We help you to apply for the Wi-Fi
【Travel】It’sFun? Japan’s train?
Abroad people must be supprised. Too crowded Tokyo's trains.
【Must know!!】2 types of internet fees in Japan
You don't know this? You should know internet type.
【Must know!!】Wi-Fi-transfar
Just apply Wi-Fi transfer application, no need cancel.
Wi-Fi My page
I hope this will be useful to you.
Just explaining to you how to login to your Wi-Fi on my page.
【Must Know!!】Utilize Cash Back Campain
You know how to apply for cashback promotion from Wi-Fi company?
【Must know!!】Japan’s Wi-Fi rules
There are some rules Japan's Wi-Fi contraction.
SSW VISA ver 2023year
Specified Skilled Worker VISA is updated by gervament. To add new jobs!
What are effects of Social media?
Social media is one way to attract more customers