【For abroad people】How apply for the Wi-Fi?


Especially abroad people is hard to find a nice agent and apply for Wi-Fi by themselves.

  1. Hard to understand Japanese, because weak Japanese skills
  2. I heard some agents lie to customers
  3. Not sure, what Wi-Fi is better for me

That’s why, I am writing this article to help you to know how to apply Wi-Fi in Japan.
And, I am going to put here some Wi-Fi companies’ detail links, you can read what you like it.

Hi! I am Hiroshi, I work at Japinoy.INC and an Investor.

Japinoy.Inc is a Wi-Fi agent, and I am responsible for explaining the advantages and disadvantages of Wi-FI to my clients.
After reading it, you can contact us and inquire about Wi-Fi.


Check these

Before applying for Wi-Fi, you need to attend these points.

  • Do you have a plan to transfer in the future?
  • What company phone do you have?
  • What documents are required at the time of application?

Do you have a plan to transfer in the future?

Some providers can not transfer to a new house.

NURO : Can not transfer
KDDI : Some areas are out of service
NTT : Almost areas can transfer

If you have a plan to transfer, we recommend NTT line Wi-Fi.
Don’t worry, We explain your situation and assist you in applying Wi-Fi.

What company’s phone do you have?

Some Wi-Fi companies can set up with the same phone company.
Users can get a discount from 500 yen to 1,100 yen on your Phone bill.

※Example : Softbank phone + Softbank Wi-Fi

The Requirement

Don’t forget the most important requirement is “Japanese skills”
The reason is if you apply for Wi-Fi on the Web or by Calling, the applier must pass a checking call one or second time. Of course, they speak Japanese.

Who is the best agent?

Japinoy.Inc can explain to you what is a good plan for you, and help you to pass the checking call.

We put here some Wi-Fi articles, you can check monthly, contracts, services, and so on.
We are looking forward to seeing you later!

