【Must know!!】Japan’s Wi-Fi rules

Wi-Fi’s Rile Japinoy.Inc

I used to work as a Wi-Fi agent for abroad people because I speak Tagalog and English and I got many Filipino customers in Japan: Tokyo, Osaka, Aichi Ken, and so on.

Of course, My customers are Filipinos who have SSW and Permit visas.
Then, They ask me many questions about Wi-Fi, so I will give you some information about WI-Fi rules this time.

Hi! I am Hiroshi, I work at Japinoy and am an Investor.

Some abroad people don’t believe agents. Actually, some agent lies to you.
So, I want you to learn about Japan’s Wi-Fi then you stop being damaged by agents. 

This time is only basic knowledge like monthly, speed, and contraction.
I wrote other Wi-Fi articles, check it here.


Must know -1 The Contractions

Japan’s Wi-Fi, there is a contraction rule.
It depds on the Wi-Fi company some companies’ contraction is 2 years, others are 3 years.

However, there are two common rules, which are a cancellation penalty fee and a Maximum contraction term.

  1. The cancellation penalty fee
    If you cancel your contract until term, you must pay for it.
  2. Maximum contraction term (If 2 years maximum term will be 23, 24, 25 months.)
    When you achieve the contraction term and cancel it, there is no cancellation fee.

Before you apply for Wi-Fi you have to know how long the contract term is 2 years or 3 years.
Then, You should think it is possible to keep your Wi-Fi, when I go backcountry, you can ask your roommate to take over your Wi-Fi.

Must know -2 There is a Handling fee

In Japan, There is a handling fee when you apply for and enroll in some services.
And the cost is around 3,500 yen (in Tax).

As a result, your first monthly is a little high because monthly includes the handling fee that you apply for or enroll in the service.


Must know 2 points.

  1. There is the contraction term and cancellation penalty fee.
    Then, You should think about whether you can promise it if you can not, you prepare some way to keep it.
  2. Everybody must pay the handling fee on the first monthly bill.

That’s all this time.
I am going to write more information next time.
