【Recommend!】No credit card Pocket Wi-Fi


This time, I am going to intoroduce Pocket Wi-Fi without a credit card!

I know, sounds good right? 
Check it out!

None credit card but can apply BIGLOBe WiMax pocket Wi-Fi.

In the 2020s almost pocket wifi companies order must apply for credit card payment.
I guess that they avoid non-payment problem.

In addition, It is so hard to get a credit card, especially abroad people. 

I have seen abroad people like

My house owner does not accept installing home Wi-Fi at homes.

Maybe, I can use the Internet for over 3 years, because it depds on my VISA.

I have over 3 years of VISA, but I don’t have a credit card so I could not apply for home Wi-Fi

Some abroad people said other reasons of course.
This article is for them.



【NEW】WiMAX+5G’s speed is great up In 2022, Feb!

Before This Wi-Fi had limited 15GB, but Now it was becomed unlimited GB!

Again, Now BIGLOBE WiMax+5G becomes Unlimited Wi-Fi.


lyInitial cost

事務手数料 3,300円

端末代金 21,912円

代金引換手数料 440円

Noticed No credit card payers have to agree to buy a machine fee the first time.
The reason is that the company avoids running away to pay.

Cash Flow

Case of Bank payer


  • Handling fee 3,300円
  • Pocket Wi-Fi Machine 21,912円
  • Delivery fee 440円
  • Monthly:4,378円


  • Monthly:4,378yen Only (Include Machine fee Discount)

Over 25 months

  • 4,928円 (Done Machine fee Discount)

Other info

There is contraction: 1 year (24 months)
If you use it for over 1 year, you do not need to pay a cancellation fee.

Instead, less than 1 year, You have to pay for a cancellation fee of 1,100 yen.

Actually, most users want to get pocket Wi-fi and they easy to pass a year.
So, no need to worry about the cancellation fee, I think.

Should check Are service or Not

Before you apply WiMax+5G, you should check area your area is OK or not.
Some area is out of service and Pocket Wi-Fi is a SIM card.


I just wrote this article summary.
If you want to know more details, you can Inquire here. I post here Official Site too.


👇👇 Apply BIGLOBE WiMAX+5G pocket Wi-Fi now!! 👇👇
