Specified Skilled Worker is new VISA. To be honest, it is a little bit hard to get, after you get it, 80% you will be able to get Working VISA.
Hi! I am Hiroshi, I work at Japinoy and an Investor.
Some Filipinos succeeded in working in Japan as a Specified Skilled Worker. Then they may take Working VISA and they live here together with the worker’s partner and children.
Indonesians, Taiwanese, Vietnams as well.
What is the Specified Skilled Worker?
※This article is written on 2021/1/19
This article is for Filipinos and foreigners who want to know how to work in Japan.
Japan has an unemployed problem now, and this problem will become a deep problem in 2025.
Therefore, Japan has tried to solve it, and Japan created “Specified Skilled Worker” system.
You will be able to succeed to work in Japan If you prepare While you’re still young.
Specified Skilled Worker purpose is …
Japan tries to solve an unemployment problem so, Japan is looking for someone who has immediate fighting strength.
Specified Skilled Worker is connected with the Japanese unemployment problem.
Introduced Specified Skilled Worker on 2019 April effects
“Specified Skilled Worker” has a short history, so it is still a little bit hard to pass acceptions of terms for foreigners.
Now, Japan’s government has considered an acceptance system.
In fact, in some countries, foreigners can work in Japan.
Let me show you a number of results.
RATE of result
Let me show you the rate for 2020 March.
Source: Immigration Services Agency of Japan (Japanese only)
Specified Skilled Worker ver 1 -The Philippines –
Country | CountryPeople | Caregiver | Industrial field |
CManufacturing industry |
Electrical electronic field |
Construction field |
Shipbuilding field |
Automotive field |
Accommodation field |
Agricultural field |
Food and beverage manufacturing field |
Food service sector |
Philippines | 235 people | 24 people | 29 people | 19 people | 17 people | 7 people | 48 people | 29 people | 2 people | 34 people | 24 people | 2 people |
DATA of 2020
Countory | Sep | Jun | Mar | Toal |
Philippines | 567 | 369 | 235 | 1,171 |
You can see how many Filipinos can be accepted to work in Japan in 2020.
And You will find out you have a chance to work here and live in Japan.
Source: Pagtatag ng “Specified Skilled Worker”
Who can apply?
I told you what Specified Skilled Worker purpose is Japan tries to solve an unemployment problem so, Japan is looking for someone who has immediate fighting strength.
Therefore, foreigners have to pass some tests and show Japanese organizations their skills.
1, Japanese language skills over N4
2, Each jobs’ skill examination
(3, job’s technical Japanese skills) Dependent on Jobs.
I will explain to you what this means.
Japanese language skill over N4
When you immigrate to Japan, it is possible for you to have a skill minimum N4 level.
However, when you pass a national examination, You should have Japanese skills over N2.
You can get where, when, how to apply, etc information from JLPT :
List of overseas test site cities and localhost institution (English)
Each jobs’ skill examination
This examination is you can show your job’s skills, some knowledge, and communications skills to Japanese organizations.
There are Caregiver, Nurse, Hotel, Foodservice and Manufacturing and so on.
(3, job’s technical Japanese skills) Dependent on Jobs.
In other words, professional jargon Japanese.
It is depended on jobs, so before you apply for, you should ask the organization how many examinations you have to take.
Examination Information
I could find out popular 3 jobs of examinations information : Caregiver, Foodservice and Manufacturing, Hotel.
Other jobs list :
Agriculture Skill Assessment Test (English)
Caregiver examination
Filipinos can take These examinations with PC in the Philippines.
Japan Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare :
Caregiver examination Information (English and Japanese)
Caregiver examination Test HP? :
Prometric (English)
Caregiver sample examination :
Skills examination for N3? or N2?
Professional jargon Japanese
Foodservice and Manufacturing
These examinations have held in some countries.
You can check the schedule, how to, apply, etc.
This website is so kind, it is written N4 Japanese level and English.
Foodservice and Manufacturing HP (English and N4 Level Japanese)
Perhaps, nowhere countries can take an examination in your country.
You must come to Japan with a VISA to take it.
It can say this system is for abroad students, so it is so hard for foreigners to take it.
Can a worker live with together the worker’s partner and chidden?
No, you can not.
This working VISA has some rules, you have to protect them.
1, You can work here for a maximum of 5 years.
2, You can not invite your family(Mother, Father, Brother, etc), partner, child(ren).
3, the Japanese government has to back up to Specified Skilled Workers.
However, I don’t want to say You are alone forever.
I will describe the next topic.
Caregiver VISA
This process of Final stage is to take Caregiver VISA.
This Caregiver VISA has the same other VISA of affection:
1, You can live in VISA no limited.
2, You can live in Japan together with your partner and child(ren)
but, impossible mother, father, brother, and so on.
3, You can not get back up from the Japanese government.
Everybody who has a national caregiver license can apply for immigration in Japan.
I explain to you one of the flows “Specified Skilled Worker” to take Working VISA.
- I don’t want you to give up your dream that you want to work in Japan.
- This system is not only for Filipinos but also, other countries accept this system as well.
- I find out some renewal information, I promise I will rewrite this article.
It is possible to take Working VISA for less than 3 years, but during 3 years, you live in Japan alone and study and work hard. It must so tough seasons.
However, if you get a National license and Working VISA, you can work and live in Japan with your partner and Children.
Finally, I want you to think again,
Why do you want to work in Japan? Do you have a strong purpose?
Reference material
Japan Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare :
About Specified skilled worker system (Japanese only)
Ministry of Justice (English)
Pagtatag ng “Specified Skilled Worker”
Apply for caregiver examination (English and Japanese)
Skills examination for N3? or N2?
Professional jargon Japanese
Immigration Services Agency of Japan (Japanese only) :
2020/March Number of people accepted
Ministry of Justice :
About new Statues of Residence “Specified Skilled Worker” (Japanese only)
I just give you an example of a “Caregiver”.
Of cause, Other Specified Skilled Workers can be said!
Almost the same terms, flows, rules, and so on
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Working VISA List
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