Update, about Specified Skilled Worker (Working VISA) in 2023 information.
Happy New Year, This article was written in 2024.
I will report about SSW VISA last year.
Thinking of Working VISA in Japan? All right, You need to check it out!
Hi! I am Hiroshi, I work at Japinoy and am an Investor.
This article is a result of SSW VISA information in 2023 ver.
Specified Skilled Worker (SSW working VISA)
I put other working visa articles here.
Japan’s government announcement adds more job categories in SSW from 2023 Jun!
SSW 1stClass and 2nd Class
Review, there are 2 classes in SSW VISA and different rules for each other.
You should know what’s different rules then you choose which is the best.

Semi-Unlimited VISA?
As you know SSW class 1st is it possible to update VISA but there is a limited (Maximum 5 years)
But, If you can update 2nd class, you must apply to update your VISA, but there is no limit and it is possible to leave your family too.
The 2 points are the biggest difference between 1st class and 2nd class.
Will be added new jobs in 2nd class
Before, SSW 2nd class was only 2 jobs.
However the government is going to add more 9 jobs in the 2nd class, so everybody has an opportunity to live in Japan forever.

As a result, abroad people who have working visas will be able to live in Japan as unlimited VISA in the future.
Moreover, abroad workers who are already SSW 1st class VISA can apply for 2nd class.
I recommend you to try to apply for 2nd class if you have already worked in Japan. Good Luck.