Possible to work in Japan with a Connection?

Not Connection Study Japanese

Some Filipinos ask me “connection with me”. To be honest, Impossible. Filipinos will not use the connection, they make actions then they work here.

Hi! I am Hiroshi, I work at Japinoy and an Investor.

Some Filipinos misunderstand we can work in Japan with a connection, so they sometimes ask me do I have connections with companies? 
I want you to know The Filipinos who work in Japan have not used connections, They got the opportunity to work in Japan. 

You will know how to apply, what you do for it as soon as possible. Please read more!



Impossible to work and apply to Japanese companies with connections.

This time, You can figure out true the way, knowledge, action.
They study harder than you, they make actions more than you, they know how to more than you.

Main point : How they apply?

In 2017, 90% of Japanese companies have been banned to hire Filipinos directly by Japan government.
That’s why Japan has connected with only POEA.

If you want to apply to Japanese companies, you must get to the POEA.
No agency, no choice.

Even I know secret rates, I will not tell you since I do not want to be into the problem.


They just know about Working in Japan more than you : process, POEA, how-to.
But, you know about Working in Japan right now!!

The last step Make actions like them.
Study Japanese and get JLPT N4, apply to POEA, and get the chance!
DO you best!!

Perfect Diary Asia
