The blog can help you to earn money

The blog can help you to earn money Blog

I guess If some Filipinos begin the Blog, they can earn money with their blog. Like Developed countries, The Philippines also will come with IT sociality.

Hi! I am Hiroshi, I work at Japinoy and an Investor.

The Philippines will come Internet sociality soon like Develop countries: the USA, the EU, Chinese, Japan, etc.

People living in Develop countries earn money with blogs because many people use the internet and search for information that they want to know and they buy something or take service from the blogs.

I guess the Philippines and Filipinos will be like too.
This time, I will tell you why the blog can earn for you.

I have already written about the Effect of the blog. 

Effect of Blog
If you own a business, You should start your blog. There are 3 big effects of using The blog. Do you know why some companies keep having blog?

This article is aimed at the effect of Business.



The Philippines will come the Internet social like Develop countries in the future.
If you begin a new blog from now, When The Philippines is Develop country, You may earn so much money.
It is indispensable to begin the Internet business before on the Internet Trend.

It is True that your Blog helps to earn money

Some bloggers earn a lot of money in Japan.
The reason is so simple, they sell Products and Services on the Internet: SNS, Youtube, Website, and Blog in the trend.
Then, they can earn money from Advertises Commission.

However, most people are hard to earn money with advertisements, because It is too late to be in the trend.

Main Income

The main Income is Association programs. (Affiliation)

Tell you simply,
You introduce some products or Services on your Website or Blog.
Then, readers read your articles from The Website or Blog, and They buy the products or take the services when you get a commission from your partners.

Some companies have already prepared an Affiliation program

I have been contracting with some Asia Companies: Lazada, Zalora, etc.
Actually, Other Asia countries have already begun Affiliate programs, Just the Philippines is pretty much behind on the Internet social than others in Asia.

Should begin right now to recognize you.

Few Filipinos search for something on the Website, and It is hard for Bloggers to earn money now.
But, The Philippines will be the Internet social in the Future as The Philippines have tried to improve more and more.

Keep going even you can’t earn money

There are advantages to keep writing articles.
The biggest reason is that It is possible to apply to Google Adsense.

Let me tell you about Google Adsense simply.
Google Adsense can put many kinds of advertisements on your blog, like youtube.
You can earn commissions whether readers click the advertisements or buy products from the advertisements.


Why the top bloggers can earn much money, the reason is that they had prepared to be in big trend for recognizing around people.

Must write many articles to pass the check of Google Adsense, introduce any kinds of products, and put high position on Google search result.


Japinoy helps to create your blog or Website agency service.

Even you are not good at IT skills, No worry We service how to teach your website tool, Install the tool, and set up it for you!
If you want, Let’s contact us!

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